“University St. Augustine’s”
"The Founding of Michigan’s Historical Black College & University” ("HBCU"). is authorized by the authority of U.S. Presidential Executive Order 12320 President Ronald Reagan; 9.15.1981
The Universthe ty of St. Augustine's (USA) empowered by the authority of the U.S. Federal District Court, MI; 1985, 1987, 1995, and the U.S. Federal Appeals Court, MI 1985, and 1986, and has a rich history of leadership and endorsements.
In 1981, President Ronald Reagan authenticated an U.S. Presidential Executive Order; 9.15.1981, and 1.15.1985, recognizing MeHarry College, LLC predecessor, Michigan Lutheran College, renamed Shaw College At Detroit, as a Historically Black College and University ("HBCU").
The HBCU was renamed University St. Augustine's ("USA ''); 1989, by authority of the National Council of Bishops Episcapal Church and Board of Directors, Saint Augustine College.
The University St. Augustine’s (St. Augustine University) was recognized as the International University of America by the Honorable Coleman A. Young, Mayor City of Detroit, and endorsed by the Detroit City Council, and Mayors, City of Flint Michigan, Pontiac Michigan, Muskegon Heights Michigan, and Benton Harbor, Michigan.
The U.S. The Department of Agriculture recognizing the authority conferred upon the USA, the "Inherent Designation" as an HBCU, empowering it to access federal strengthening grants specifically earmarked for providing economic equity, parity, and justice to residents within communities served while providing quality academic education to Michigan citizens.
In compliance with the 1890 Morrill College Land Grant Act, Michigan's Governor John Engler donated the Historic Clinton Valley Medical Center, including 100 of 200 acres adjacent to the property for the establishment of the main campus;
“The University St. Augustine’s & Institutes of Medicine”.
Governor Engler commissioned the University St. Augustine’s to establish as a Faculty, a Mental Health Conservancy;
"The Mental Wealth Institute"
The USA established policies and practices to facilitate the "Decriminalization of Mental Health" while addressing issues associated with accessing mental health services.
“Michigan's "Urban University"
Governor John Engler authorized the University St. Augustine’s as an MSU Extension in 1995, and designated the USA exclusively as Michigan's "Urban University".
Effectively, Governor Engler assigned the MSU Extension Outreach Administration responsibility for the Management and Operations of the USA Anti-Poverty and Humanitarian Institute to eliminate food insecurities and healthcare disparities while providing innovative learning loss solutions, literacy, writing, and reading pedagogies.
A Community Leadership Ministry was established, which initially organized the USA Anti-Poverty & Humanitarian Institute in Michigan.
At the outset of the COVID-19 Pandemic April 2020 through Spring 2022, the Community Leadership Ministry was expanded to 27 States throughout the Nation.
The USA Anti-Poverty & Humanitarian Institute distributed more than 2 Million Family Food Boxes Monthly within 42 Counties throughout the state of Mississippi, and nearly 3 Million Family Food Boxes Monthly within the States of Michigan, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Minnesota, DMV.
Consistent with CDC and NIH guidelines, USA Anti-Poverty & Humanitarian Institute’s professionals organized the establishment of Mini-Clinics, and COVID Vaccines were effectively administered, bar bureaucracy.
In collaboration with AT&T, Samsung, and Microsoft Technology HUBs were established to mitigate Learning Loss in Grades K-12 within communities impacted by the Digital Divide.
The 1890 Morrill College Land Grant Act '
Michigan's Governor James Blanchard's designation of USA as a Land Grant College icommendable and is recognized as an extraordinary contribution to the Black and Minority Citizens residing in Michigan. Concomminately was a complementary Resolution establishing a One Million Dollar & No/100 ($1,000,000) Endowment Trust in compliance with the 1890 Morrill Land College Act.
Carolina's Technology Consortia ~ ReImagined!
The authority inherent within the Historic Great Lakes Michigan District Lutheran Church University Education Charter authorizes the USA as an Institution of Higher Education and as a Proprietary K12 Institution for operation, administration, and management of an unlimited number of Primary Elementary and Secondary School Education Charter, in Michigan, throughout the Nation and Canada.
The USA Governance is empowered to organize a "New American University" to mitigate learning loss pre-COVID-19 Pandemic due to the intentional mis-education of K12 school children, and post-COVID-19. The authority granted accessing an Old Right dating to 1846, compelled by the U.S. Federal District Court MI Court Orders, the Honorable Ray Reynolds Graves; 1.9.1985 and 11.27.1995.
The Honorable L. Brooks Patterson, in collaboration with the Detroit Bar Association, contributed the extensive digital library and collegiate library collections sufficient to enable national institutional accreditation of the "USA" faculties.
President Ronald Reagan commissioned Michigan Lutheran College (currently known as the University St. Augustine’s which was formerly known as MeHarry College, LLC) to establish as a Faculty, the School of Law Enforcement.
The University of St. Augustine's predecessor was commissioned to carry out this important task of training law enforcement officers who possessed specific professional skills to replace the controversial City of Detroit Law Enforcement Task Force, S.T.R.E.S.S.
This task force was accused of employing policies and practices rooted in criminality that resulted in the demise of black men.
USA Inherent Designation As America’s International HBCU
The Honorable Coleman A. Young introduced the University St. Augustine’s as“America’s International Historic Black College and University (“HBCU”).
The University of St. Augustine's has been recognized internationally for its education leadership.
The Prime Minister of Canada has recognized the USA as the Authorizer of significant K12 Primary Elementary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, and Universities throughout the Provinces of Canada and endorsed its continued expansion in Canada upon re-actualization in the state of Michigan.
President George Bush recognized the USA as a New American University and commended its Governance as the visionary of "The 21st Century Community Learning Centers;
" Carolina's Early College"
A dual high school college initiative advocating concepts in state-of-the-art "Innovation Technology Consortia" ("ITC") in 1994.
USA's Institutes at Carolina's Early College takes a holistic approach to education, creating quality academic and restorative academic pedagogies focusing on academic achievement, also on personal growth, and workforce development opportunities consistent with viable professional careers deemed relevant and marketable entry-level job skills.
The USA has a rich history of leadership and endorsements, and its Governance is committed to providing quality academic education while addressing economic equity, parity, and justice for residents within the communities served.
Commendable, as Governor Engler's donation of the Historic Clinton Valley Center complimented Governor James Blanchard's designation of the University St.Augustine's as a Land Grant College.
A contribution and commitment to Michigan’s HBCU that was as significant as Governor Engler’s establishment of a One Million Dollar ($1,000,000.00) Endowment Trust in compliance with the 1890 Morrill Land College Act.
The Honorable L. Brooks Patterson in collaboration with the Bar Association contributed the extensive Digital Library and Collegiate Library Collections sufficient to enable National Institutional Accreditation of the "USA" Faculties;
* College of Liberal Arts
* College of Law
* College of Nursing & Allied Health
* College of Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing Technology
* College of Dentistry
* College of Education
* College of Government
Governance, University St. Augustine established the College of Law in Tribute to Justices, The Honorable Wade McCree, The Honorable Adam Shakoor, and The Distinguished Milton Henry, Esquire ~*~
St. Augustine's Community Development Corporation
President George W Bush authorized Donald Rumsfeld, Former Secretary of Defense to assign professional engineers, architects, and contractors to oversight Affordable Housing Development initiatives in collaboration with St. Augustine's Community Development Corporation ("St.Augustine's CDC")
"Habitat For Humanity", an initiative former U.S. President Jimmy Carter championed, served as an inspiration for St. Augustine's CDC's commitment to the elimination of homelessness, and pledge of support advocating the new construction of affordable housing designed and constructed specifically to benefit households traditionally displaced, disenfranchised. or afflicted as a result of generational life-long-renters, and homelessness.
USA Governance commissioned the professional expertise of prominent credential Contractors including its Senior Trustee and Volunteer assigned to the Rosalynn Carter Institute; Humanitarian Services, and U.S.D.O.D. Architect U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Bemis was assigned to the USA to prepare Concept Designs Plans and guide the administration and management of St.Augustine's CDC affordable Housing initiatives.
The U.S. D.O.D. committed financial sponsorship sufficient to enable the construction of 425 New Affordable Housing Units.
Accessing Federal financing, St. Augustine’s CDC in collaboration with local renowned AIA and Construction Contractors, initiated the new construction of 85 affordable homes in Detroit MI that served as a model for development within marginalized communities throughout the Nation. ~*~
Lloyd Austin III, a distinguished American Military Officer serving as America's 28th U.S. Secretary of Defense empowered the "USA" on 07.02.2020, Hence, a Historic Milestone in the Legacy of"USA", an HBCU ,
The University St.Augustine's (USA) is recognized as a Historic Black College and University ("HBCU"), by the authority of U.S. Presidential Executive Order 12320, President Ronald Reagan, 9.15.1981, and 1.15.1985.
The USA is authorized as an 1890 Morrill Act Land Grant Institution of Higher Education, in compliance with the designation as bestowed by Michigan's Governor, The Honorable James Blanchard, 1989-1990.
In July 2020, the U.S. Department of Defense (U.S. DOD) commissioned the Washington DCRA to expedite Corporate Registration of the"University St.Augustine's (USA)".
Cathedral St. Augustine's (CAS), an ecclesiastical faith-based organization commissioned according to endorsement, and authorization of Bishop Moses, St.Paul Episcopalian Church, Detroit, and hierarchy of the affiliated Episcopal Church, United Methodist Episcopalian Church, and Reformist, Lutheran Episcopal Church, oversees the "USA" in its capacity as an Institution of Higher Education.
" University St. Augustine’s "
AKA: Saint Augustine University and
St.Augustine's University;USA@copywrited,
Actualization and collaboration endorsed with meritorious and resounding Resolution of The Honorable Members, The Detroit City Council, City of Detroit; June 28, 1989.
The Governance of "USA" is overseen by Cathedral St.Augustine’s; The National Ministry of Education SYNOD, as authorized by The Board of Directors, Saint Augustine College in Raleigh, North Carolina, effective Spring, 1987.
The Corporate Registration granted by the U.S. Department of Defense in July 2020, effectively eliminates biases, resolves inequities, and promotes access to Federal Grants to empower the historically endowed University St.Augustine’s.
The University St. Augustine's is a nonprofit, faith-based corporation registered with the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) in Washington DC, aligning with moral integrity, justice, equity, civil rights, humanitarianism, and compliance with prevailing laws.
The achievement of Corporate Registration as authorized by the U.S. DOD; July, 2020, marks a significant milestone for USA after 40 years of dedication and perseverance, in compliance with the significant Court Orders issued by the U.S. Federal District Court, MI;
The Honorable Ray Renynolds Graves; 1.9.1985, 11.28.1995.
Intermeitantly,U.S. Federal Court of Appeals, MI, The Honorable Julian Cook; 1985 and 1986.
The Honorable Lynn V. Hooe issued a mandate on 6.18.1997 and 8.28.1987, directing Michigan Government Agencies, MDE and LARA, along with the National Institutional Accreditation Agency, ABHES, to comply with U.S. Federal District Court MI Court Orders for the re-licensing of MeHarry College, LLC, and Michigan Lutheran College, which were predecessors to the University of St. Augustine's. The mandate was provocative in nature and called for strict adherence to the court orders.
Affirmatively, Judge Lynn V. Hooe's Order mandated ''Reinstatment and preservation of National Institutional Accreditation, and access to all Federal Grant Funds entitled.
The U.S. Federal Appeals Court in MI, under the guidance of The Honorable Julian Cook, has also played a role in shaping the journey of the USA in consideration of the Civil Rights and Human Rights Challenges prevailing; 1985,, and 1986.
The U.S. Department of Defense unwavering and expeditiously has responded to these rulings, and developments with the utmost respect for the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, the Higher Education Act of 1965, the Fordice Act of 1992, and other prevailing Federal Laws and Statutes.
As a USA Faculty, Governance on behalf of Carolina's Early College is committed to upholding the law and operating within legal boundaries.
The aim is to provide quality academic education to K12 Black American students, mitigate the impact of generational illiteracy resulting from slavery, and offer access to quality academic opportunities post-high school for students residing in Michigan and across the nation.
The Governance of USA recognizes its Hmanitarian obligation is committed to the elimination of prevailing affirmative action injustices, and provide an inclusive quality academic education for students of all cultures. ~*~
The Historic Old Wayne County Buiilding serving as "The Civil Righ ts Capital of America" in Tribute of Michigan's Civil Rights Giants empowering the people.
* The Late Honorable Congressan John Conyers
* The Late Distinguished P.A. Brooks
* The Late Honorable Adam Shakoor
* The Late Revered Marvin Barnett
* The Law-Abiding Milton Henry
* The Honorable George Crockett, and
* The.Late.Illustrious,Esteemed O'Neil D. Swanson
The University St. Augustine's ("USA's"); International Council of Ministry in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State, and United Nations Visionaries strategically endorsed actualization U.S. Embassy and the International Consulate at Michigan Landmark the Iconic OWCB
"America's Civil Rights Capital: symbolizes advocate's unwavering commitment to justice and equality,
The advocates of this institution have played a pivotal role in advancing Civil Rights in Michign, Nationwide and Global. Fighting discrimination to protecting individual freedoms.
America's Civil Rights Capital shall serve as an anchor for the U.S.Embassy and International Consulate, Symbolizing a beacon of hope and progress for all Americans, preserving issues of Constitutional importants to a population
Join us in celebrating this remarkable institution and its ongoing efforts to create a more just and equitable society for all.
The United States Embassy and Consulate anchored at the Civil Rights Capital, is overseen by the Honorarble U.N Ambassador Emeritus, Haiti, and the Distinquished Johannesburg ,South Africa Ambassador Emeritius, serving in alliance with the University St.Augustine’s International Ministry, SYNOD; Haiti, Sudan, Belize, Johannesburg, Ghana West Africa.
In the interest of the Public Trust The Honorable Robert Ficano, Wayne County Executive, and The Honorable, Jeffrey Collins, U.S. Attorney Eastern District of Michigan Emeritus, embracing the Vision of "A New American University",endorsed actualization of the University St. Augustine's - College of Law as a Faculty anchored at the site of the Historic OWCB as a tribute to The Honorable George Crockett,
Concominately, Wayne County Executive Ficano authorized "USA" exclusive Authority and sole Interest; The Historic OWCB Deed ofTrust, including 2-Parking Lots, and associated Land.
Commissioned, as authorized, the Legacy "USA" shall strategically collaberate to assemble a monumental event, actualizing the U.S. Foreign Embassy and International Consulate within the iconic Old Wayne County Building, as a tribute to America's Congressional Dean;
The Late Honorable Congressman John Conyers.~*~
Establishment of "The Rosa Parks Institute" is a significant tribute to the Civil Rights Icon, Dr. Rosa Parks, and it is crucial for the government to take action to ensure its success.
The Plan for establishment of the “Rosa Parks Institute: as a "Faculty of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy" and Carolina's Early College, was accomplished in compliance with prevailing state laws.
This was endorsed by Congressman John Conyers and encouraged by Judge Damon Keith. The Bay Mills College's CEO confirmed the Bay Mills Charter School Authority as the "Authorizing Body" for the tax-exempt, non-profit K-12, primary, elementary, and secondary school.
The registration of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy was expedited by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The Michigan Superintendent of Schools also authorized the registration of the assumed name "Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy" as a tribute to Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick.
The aim of establishing the Rosa Parks Institute was to provide quality academic education and "Black American History" to Black American and minority citizens residing within the communities served by the University St. Augustine's and Caroline Education Community International.
The plan is to support the establishment of the Rosa Parks Institute as a "Faculty of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy" and Carolina's Early College, in compliance with prevailing state laws.
The Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy
Endorsed by Congressman John Conyers and encouraged by Judge Damon Keith. The Bay Mills College's CEO / President confirmed the Bay Mills Charter School Authority as the "Authorizing Body" for the tax-exempt, non-profit K-12, primary, elementary, and secondary school.
The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs expedited the registration of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy. The Michigan Superintendent of Schools also authorized the registration of the assumed name "Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy" as a tribute to Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick.
The Community Response To Outreach Invitation
Acclaimed Civil Rights Activist and Religious Leader, Reverend Clarence L. Franklin, Pastor, New Bethel Baptist Church, 1982.
In a late-night Sunday Evening Live Broadcast, on WGPR Radio Reverend Franklin announced the establishment of the MeHarry Allied Health Learning Center, Inc. as a means of obtaining entry-level job skills for gainful employment in entry-level careers in the medical profession.
Detroit Citizens without a high school diploma were encouraged to register in the "Early College Plan" Ms. Rosa Parks endorsed to gain the academic skills necessary for success. More than 1,000 citizens show up Monday morning to register in Carolina's Early College at MeHarry Allied Health Learning Center.
The aim of establishing the Rosa Parks Institute as a "Faculty" was to provide quality academic education and "Black American History" to Black American and minority citizens residing within the communities served by the University St. Augustine's and Caroline Education Community International. The plan includes remediation to eliminate crises in the classroom, elimination of illiteracy, low comprehension, and importantly, mitigate the lack of reading skills.
The Honorable Congressman John Conyers, Dean of the U.S. Congress endorsed the establishment of the Rosa Parks Institute as a Faculty of the Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy and Carolina's Early College.
The Congressman asserted that the government must take concrete steps to impart wisdom and education on American Black History nationwide within the Primary Elementary and Secondary School Systems, Grades K12, to ensure that the Rosa Parks Institute is established nationwide.
The Rosa Parks Institute is a significant step towards providing quality academic education to Black American and Minority citizens residing within communities that the University St. Augustine's and Caroline Education Community International serves.
Congressman John Conyers commissioned Ms. Rosa Parks as a Scholar assigned to Michigan's "Urban University", the University St.Augustine's, Research, Science Institutes; 1995.
In the Interest of the Public Trust, Bay Mills College Chief Executive Authority Michael Parish, exclusively and Arthur Carter III, Chairman Emeritus, Wayne County Commission, negotiated the assignment of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy jurisdiction to be established in the City of Highland Park, Michigan, as the initial community to be served; 2003.
An initiative aimed to establish an unwavering path nationwide to impart wisdom, education, and revelation confirming the "American Black History Truths" within the population of a culture, and Nationwide within the Primary Elementary and Secondary School Systems, Grades K12.
To ensure the Rosa Parks Institute successful dissemination of American Black History Truths, The Honorable Congressman John Conyers and The Honorable Judge Damon Keith recommended the design of a "Textbook" featuring academic, collaborative, reflective, commentary of the trailblazing pedagogy that the Legendary Rosa Parks contributed.
The Governance, Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy Resolved, said Textbooks shall be distributed within K12 Public School Curricula Nationwide.
It is noteworthy that Governance, University St. Augustine's Predecessor, MeHarry College, LLC (Michigan Lutheran College) bestowed and "Honarary Ph.D."upon the Legendary Rosa Parks.This recognition is a significant tribute to the Civil Rights Advocate Dr. Rosa Parks.
The Rosa Parks Institute in its capacity established as a "Faculty " of the Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy. (CECI PSA) is a significant step towards providing quality academic education to Black American and Minority citizens residing within communities the University St.Augustine's
and Caroline Education Community International serves.
This initiative demanding equity, justice, and fairness aims to provide quality education to all students regardless of their background or ethnicity.
The government must ensure that the Rosa Parks Institute is established nationwide, and the necessary steps are taken to impart wisdom and education on American Black History within the population of a culture, nationwide within the Primary Elementary and Secondary School Systems, Grades K12.
The establishment of the Rosa Parks Institute is a significant tribute to the Civil Rights Icon, Dr. Rosa Parks. The government must take action to ensure its success.
The Honorable Congressman John Conyers, Dean of the U.S. Congress, endorsed the establishment of the Rosa Parks Institute as a Faculty of the Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy and Carolina's Early College.
The Congressman asserting, government must take concrete steps to impart wisdom and education og American Black History Truths within the population of a culture, nationwide in Primary Elementary and Secondary School Systems, Grades K12.The government must ensure that the Rosa Parks Institute is established nationwide.
It is noteworthy that Governance, University St. Augustine's Predecessor, MeHarry College, LLC (Michigan Lutheran College) bestowed upon the Legendary Rosa Parks an "Honorary Ph.D." This recognition, a significant tribute to the Civil Rights Advocate Dr. Rosa Parks.
"The Legacy of Rosa Parks"
" American Black History"; A Chronology Of The Civil Rights Gap".
"The Rosa Parks Institute", a Faculty of the Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy, and Carolina's Early College.
The Honorable Congressman John Conyers, Dean of the U.S. Congress, and 7TH U.S. Representative authorized in the capacity as President of the United States of America at a time of National Crisis. Congressman Conyers endorsed recommendations of the Honorable Judge Damon Keith that "USA's" Governance advocates the establishment of the "Rosa Parks Institute".
As commissioned, this initiative aims to establish an unwavering path Nationwide to impart wisdom, education, and revelation confirming the truth in "American Black History" within the population of a culture, and Nationwide within the Primary School Elementary and Secondary School Systems, Grades K12.
To The Glory of God, The Dean, U.S. Congressman John Conyers encouraged the preparation of a Literary Collection that chronicles the significant contributions to be cataloged within the Congressman John Conyers Library, Museum, and Conservancy.
A Historic Milesone, Congressman John Conyers and The Honorable Judge Damon Keith recommended the design of a "Textbook" featuring academic, collaborative, reflective, commentary of the trailblazing pedagogy that the Legendary Rosa Parks contributed.
The Governance, Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy Resolved that said Textbooks shall be distributed within K12 Public School Curricula Nationwide. ~*~
Compliance, U.S. Federal District Court MI, Court Order;
6.18.1987 & 8.28.1987
The Michigan Superintendent of Education, Donald Bemis endeavored to mitigate improprieties as deliberated and petitioned before the U.S. Federal District Court MI, 6.18.1987, and, as the U.S. Federal District Court, MI Ordered, 8.28.1987, a consequence to the conspiracy that the MDE plotted, resulting in the illegal Dissolution of Carolina's Early College, a Dual High School College Initiative established as a Faculty of MeHarry College, LLC; and the MeHarry College, LLC, a functional and operational Institution of Higher Education endowed with the Distincted Authority to organize and operate an unlimited number of K12 Schools, and College Faculties under a U.S. Federal District Court MI, Order; The Honorable Ray Reynolds Graves;1.9.1985 and 11.28.1995
In Wisdom, reciprocity considered, The Honorable Governor James Blanchard, The Honorable Governor John Engler, and The Honorable Jennifer Granholm Honored the U.S. Federal District Court MI, Court Orders; The Honorable Ray Reynolds Graves issued; 1.9.1985, and 11.28.1995.
The U.S. Federal District Court Orders upheld by the Orders of the U.S. Federal Appeals Court, MI; .The Honorable Julius Cook presiding, The Honorable Judge Woods, presiding, and The Honorable Judge Damon Keith, Chief Justice, affirming.
The Honorable Congressman John Conyers endorsed recommendations of The Honorable Judge Damon Keith that encouraged the Governance of University St. Augustine's (MeHarry College, LLC) to establish "The Rosa Parks Institute '' as a "Faculty of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy, and Carolina's Early College, in compliance with prevailing state laws, MCL 450.171.
Accordingly, the K12 Public School Charter, and Private School Charters were established consistent with the Authority granted under Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm's Executive Order 11.05.2003, as prepared by The Honorable Wade McCree, Esquire.
Michigan's Superintendent of Education, Donald Bemis particularly sanctioned the endorsement the Bay Mills College's Chief Executive Officer authorized, advocating the Bay Mills Charter School Authority as the "Authorizing Body" on behalf of the Tax Exempt, 501(c)3, Non-profit K-12, Primary Elementary and Secondary School; Caroline Education. Community International Public School Academy.
As a consequence, consistent with "Prevailing Law", the MI DLEG known presently as Michigan LARA expedited the registration of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy.
Subsequently, in consideration of the Federal Funding Moratorium, the MI Superintendent of Schools authorized registration of the Assumed Name; Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy (CECI PSA) as a tribute in recognition of The Honorable Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick. Thus, preserving the path nationwide to actualize "The Rosa Parks Institutes'' in tribute to the Legendary Civil Rights Advocate, Dr. Rosa Parks,
The Rosa Parks Institute in its capacity established as a "Faculty " of the Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy. (CECI PSA) is a significant step towards providing quality academic education, and “Black American History” to Black American and Minority citizens residing within communities that the University St.Augustine's and Caroline Education Community International serves.
Congressman John Conyers Commissioned Ms. Rosa Parks as a Scholar likened to a "Fellow" assigned to Michigan's "Urban University", the University St. Augustine's, Research, Science Institutes.
Significantly, Bay Mills College Chief Executive Authority exclusively negotiated the assignment of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy initial jurisdiction in the City of Highland Park, Michigan, as the initial community to be serve
With the explicit objective of establishing a Strategic Plan of Corrective Action to mitigate damages as a result of the Mis-Education of Minority Children Registered, enrolled, and attending Michigan Public School Systems in 18 Communities identified by former Michigan Governor Jenniefer Granholm as as "Cities of Promise".
The Corrective Plan of Action endorsed by Governor Granholm advocated the subsequent "On-Boarding of Caroline Education Public School Academy's strategically located within the remaining 14 of 18 Black American Minority communities throughout the state of Michigan, referenced as "Cities of Promise".
Whereas, in collaboration with former Governor Rick Snyder, the Republican Legislature, and the Emergency Manager assigned oversight of the Michigan Public School Education System.
With malice aforethought, in violation of the Civil Rights of the Children attending Michigan Public Schools, the Michigan Republican Legislature conspired and arbitrarily Dissolved 14 of 18 Public School Systems situated within American Minority Communities throughout the state of Michigan.
As significant, the Emergency Managers assigned oversight of the Michigan Public School System, illegally disgorged Public School Financial Assets estimated to be valued at more than One Billion Dollars & No/100) ($1,000,000,000).
Significantly, it is noteworthy to mention that a Federal Moratorium was in full force and effect immediately after the Michigan Superintendent of Education confirmed the Michigan Department of Education authorized the MI DLEG (LARA) to expedite the CORPORATE REGISTRATION of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy, and Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy (CECI PSA); 7.02.2004, and Carolina's Early College.
Albeit, the Michigan Superintendent of Education consistent with the authority of "Prevailing Law", and as directed by Governor Granholm, expedited actualization for the Registration of Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy with MI LARA (DLEG), and sanctioned its organization and functional operations to "shadow" the Caroline Education Community Public School Academy.
The Caroline Education Community Public School Academy, authorized consistent with the Governor's Executive Order 11.05.2003, committed to resume operations, and function upon distribution of Obama allocations entitled "post Federal Moratorium" in 2008 / 2009.
Further significant, and noteworthy, St. Augustine's University Foundation's (MeHarry College, LLC') entitlement to the assignment of a "Charter School Contract". was preserved, complements of the U.S. Federal District Court MI Order; "The Honorable Lynn V. Hooe; 6.18.1987 and 8.28.1987. The U.S. Federal District Court MI; Court Orders, mandates a measure of "Good Faith" and "Corrective Action" in consideration the atrocities the Michigan Department of Education conspirated and perpetrated in collution with the DLEG (LARA) and ABHES.
The Court’s Order specifically mandating the MDE cease the malicious conspiracy to destroy MeHarry College, LLC, and restore Carolina's Early College, as a Faculty of MeHarry College, LLC.
The U.S. Federal District Courts mandate compels the State Government Agencies, MDE, and MI LARA to restore the Licensing Authority of the MeHarry College, LLC and Carolina's Early Colleges' National Institutional Accreditation, including restoring its Accredited Library Holdings and Collections that support academic professional career programs advocating Workforce Development of professional careers in demand.
Significantly, Senior Executives, U.S.D.E. Spring 2017, validated, the U.S. Federal Court MI Order; 1.9.1985, mandated the U.S.D.E. preserve access to all Federal PELL Grant, SEOG, and NCLB (ESSA) Grants, et al, and NOF as entitled, MeHarry College,LLC (MeHarry Allied Health Learning Center,Inc, and Carolina's Early College).
The U.S. Federal District Court MI; Court Order, The Honorable Lynn V. Hooe issued; 8.28.1987, mandates Michigan Government Agencies expedite the restoration and preservation of Michigan Licensing of MeHarry College, LLC as an Institution of Higher Education, and its ABHES National Institutional Accreditation. Thereby, preserving access to Federal Financial Grants, as entitled.
The Obama Care Act Funding 2009 allocated Federal Funds as earmarked, and entrusted to the State of Michigan, for purposes of issuance of a "Contract" are in excess of $450,000.
Subsequent to purging Caroline Education Community International PSA from the MEGS-Plus and EEG System. There is overwhelming evidence that Michigan Government Officials conspired and attempted to sabotage the Federal Grant Application Portal established for the purposes of petitioning the Obama Care Funding entitled Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy.
The Treasury for the MDE has the obligation for the administration of funds as entrusted in an amount sufficient to fund the Public School Charter ``Contract" that Bay Mills Charter School Authority is obligated to assign Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy.
Respectful of Civil Rights Acts; 1866, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, HEA 1965, Amended, Civil Rights Act 1987, AND 2017, AND the Fordice Act 1992, and in consideration of the serious Systemic Challenges endured, and racial biases experienced as perpetuated by the Michigan Government Agencies, LARA, and Michigan Department of Education to perpetrate with Federal Government Agencies under the leadership of the U.S. Secretary of Education, Besty DeVos’ Administration, in conspiracy with specific State Government Agencies Nationwide, wherein Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy is authorized to operate.
Unequivocally, The Michigan Superintendent of Education Donald Bemis did in fact sanctioned Bay Mills College's Chief Executive Officer's endorsement of Bay Mills Charter School Authority'' as the "Authorizing Body of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy (CECI PSA, the corresponding Assumed Named entities including Carolina's Early College); under Michigan's Governor Granholm's Executive Order 11.05.2003, and the "Prevailing Law"; MCL 450.171.
As commissioned by Distinguished Statesmen, Honorable Federal Justices, and the former Michigan Governors' Jennifer Granholm, James Blanchard, and John Engler, the Michigan Superintendent of Education Donald Bemis committed preservation of the Caroline Education Community Public School Academy entitlement, as empowered to resume operations, and functionality" post Federal Moratorium"; 2008/2009, consistent with Michigan Governor Granholm’s Executive Order 11.05.2003. Superintendent Bemis committed to sustained operations of the CECI PSA transitioned as a Public School Academy consistent with the assignment of a Charter School Contract, upon allocation of Obama Care Act Funds as entitled, authorized, and entrusted to the Michigan Treasurer,administered by the MDE which is obligated to distribute to the CECI PSA School District.
The University St. Augustine’s, a Historical Black College and University, Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy, and affiliate Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy, and Carolina’s Early College is deemed honorable, demands equity, justice, economic fairness and aims to provide quality education to all students regardless of their background or ethnicity.
The Honorable Coleman A. Young, Distinguished Mayor, City of Detroit in 1985, bestowed designated of the University.St.Augustine's (USA);
" University St. Augustie's ~ America's International University''
Governor Jennifer Granholm embraced Judge Keith's recommendation that the U.S. Federal District Court MI, Court Appointed Trustee, sanction Governance, the "USA," to expedite the establishment of the Rosa Parks Institute''; as a "Core Faculty" of the Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy (CECI PSA).
Governance, University St. Augustine's predecessors, Michigan Lutheran College, and MeHarry College, LLC proudly bestowed upon the Legendary Rosa Parks an "Honorary Ph.D.
A recognition that serves as a significant tribute to the Civil Rights Icon Dr. Rosa Parks. ~*~
In 1994, The Honorable George Bush, President of the United States of America, recognized the USA as a New American University and commended its governance as the visionary of "The 21st Century Community Learning Centers";
The Carolina's Early College,a Dual High School College Initiative, advocates concepts of a state-of-the-art "Innovation Technology Consortia" ("ITC").
Subsequent to election and installation in the capacity as Michigan's Governor, Governor Granholm Commissioned the Distinguished Wade McCree Esquire to prepare for publication Michigan Governor Granholm's Executive Order 11.05.2003.
The Honorable Jennifer Granholm, Michigan's former Governor, embraced Judge Keith's recommendation, the U.S. Federal District Court MI, Court Appointed Trustee, sanction Governance, the "USA" to expedite the establishment of "The Rosa Parks Institute" as a Faculty, Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy (CECI PSA).
The Michigan Superintendent of Education authorized the endorsement of "Bay Mills Charter School Authority" as the "Authorizing Body of Caroline Education Community International Public School Academy (CECI PSA) pursuant to Michigan's Governor Granholm's Executive Order 11.05.2003 and "Prevailing Law"; MCL 450.1717.
These endorsements and solutions have played a significant role in shaping the University St. Augustine’s in the education sector within the United States and Canada.
In compliance with U.S. Federal District Court Order; MI - 1.9.1985, and subsequent significant Orders; U.S. Federal District Appeals Court; MI 1985, 1986, and U.S. Federal District Court Order; MI 11.27.1995, The U.S. Department of Defense ("U.S.DOD") Legal Counsel, authorized registration of the Articles of Incorporation, University St. Augustine's; University - Colleges,St. Augustine's & Institutes of Medicine with the DCRA, Washington DC; 7.2.2020.
The U.S.DOD sanctioned actualization, and operations of the "USA: as an Institution of Higher Education, all rights and privileges preserved, as the U.S.D.E; OIG validated pursuant to U.S. Federal District Court Orders and Stipulations,
Said Orders, inclusive of USA's cohort, Craoline Education Community International PSA, and Carolina's Early College. ~*~
USA - Caroline Early College - PCC
Endorsed by the Mayors of 18 Michigan Minority Communities, the City of Flint Michigan, Benton Harbor, Michiggan Hamtramik Michigan and Detroit Michigan serving as "Models", Twenty First (21st) Century Community Public Community Centers.
The USA - Carolinna's Early College Public Computer Centers established in its capacity as "Michigan's Urban College".
The USA exclusively was actualized as the MSU Outreach Extension, as The Honorable John Engler Commissioned,
A grant program administered by NTIA; 2010 - 2014 allocated a near $1 MM to USA via MSU Outreach Extension, which funded the provocative Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), as USA envisioned.
In its capacity as a significant education anchor endeavoring to prepare Michigan Citizens for Workforce Development services, USA - PCC - Caroline Early College, in Flint Michigan served "Returning Citizens", while in the city of Hamtramack Michigan serving Migrants, and in Highland Park Michigan serving citizens expelled from Public School Systems, and provided Dual High School College quality academic studies ~*~
The Cathedral St. Augustine's (CAS) is a Ministry that fully connects with the Christian Methodist Episcopalian Church (CME) and the Lutheran Episcopalian Church Reformist. While ecumenically affiliated, CAS is a non-denominational faith-based religious organization.
Our core foundation is based on Christian Doctrine, advocating the Principles and Teachings of Jesus Christ.
Aligned with our Mission of Christian Ministry, Cathedral
St. Augustine's actively engages in various initiatives.
We are strong proponents of cemetery ownership.
Recognizing its significance in preserving sacred grounds, and preserving the Precious Memories of our Loved One's life lives, which establishes a Historical Legacy that lives on.
Additionally, we tirelessly advocate for economic reform, working towards economic desegregation and promoting fair and affordable housing.
We firmly believe in ensuring access to quality healthcare, assisted living, education, and empowerment for veterans. as well as underprivileged and disenfranchised citizens.
Recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit 501(c)3 Tax Exempt entity, Cathedral St. Augustine's is committed to Humanitarian endeavors within the communities served.
The Cathedral St. Augustine's: National Ministry of Education District SYNOD is a collection of ecclesiastical faith-based church organizations. and legacy educational institutions.
Our Ministries are dedicated to advocating for quality academic education initiatives.
One of our notable educational institutions is the Caroline Education Community International Public, named in tribute to The Honorable Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick, and Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy (CECI PSA), based in the USA. CECI PSA offers K12 elementary and secondary schools, as well as an Early College Upper Preparatory Education program.
Our goal is to provide students with a comprehensive education that makes a lasting impact in their lives, both in the present and for eternity.
The University St. Augustine's, and
St. Augustine's Institutes believes in equipping students not only academically but also spiritually, intellectually, socially, and mentally.
Our guidance is rooted in the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ.
We strive to empower our students with strategic life skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.
In conclusion, the Cathedral
St. Augustine's is dedicated to fulfilling our Mission of Christian Ministry by actively engaging in various initiatives that promote social justice, education, mental wealth and empowerment.
St. Augustine's Institutes such as the Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy (CECI PSA), Carolina's Early College, and Jordan Powell Preparatory Academy, we aim to provide students with a holistic education that prepares them for a meaningful and purposeful life.
Our commitment to excellence is driven by our unwavering belief in the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for considering the University.St. Augustine's Cathedral St. Augustine's National Ministry Of Education SYNOD, and the affiliated K12 Educational Initiatives.
We look forward to the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of students and communities we serve.
The Honorable Governor John Engler authorized and endorsed and designated the University
St.Augustine's ("USA'") as Michigan's "Urban University" in 1995.
Significantly, Governor Engler donated the Historic Clinton Valley Medical Centerm and 200 Acres for use in development as the main campus" University St.Augustine's; University Colleges &Institutes of
Governor Engler commissioned "USA" to mitigate issues associated with accessing Mental Wealth Services and the Decriminalization of Mental Health.
As a result, Governor Engler endorsed and authorized USA's designation, exclusively as "Michigan's Urban University" in 1995.
In recognition, University St.Augustine's designation as a Land Grant College is consistent with the 1890 Morrill Land College Act.
In compliance with the Authority inherent within the Historic Great Lakes Lutheran Church University Education Charter, the Proprietary Elementary and Secondary K12 School Charter, as bestowed pursuant to U.S. Federal District Court MI; Orders. 1.9.1985 and 1.27.1995, Reaffirmed, and U.S. Federal District Court "CMO" and Trustee, Appointed.The Honorable Ray Reynolds Graves.
Subsequently , U.S. Federal Appeals Court, MI; Order, 1985, 1986, Upheld The Honorable Julian Cook. U.S. Federal District Court, MI Order 6.18.1987 and 8.28.1987; Enforcement.The Honorable Judge Lynn V. Hooe, The Honorable Damon Keith Chief Justice, respectfully.
The Honorable Governor Engler donated the Historic Clinton Valley Hospital, Pontiac Michigan, and 100 of 200 acres for establishment as University St.Augustine's Main Campus.
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
We understand that every student has unique learning needs. That's why our online tutoring services are customizable to fit your individual needs and preferences. Whether you need help with homework, test preparation, or a particular subject, we have the resources and expertise to help you succeed.
Our professional development programs are designed to be engaging and interactive. You'll have the opportunity to connect with your instructors and classmates, participate in discussions, and collaborate on projects.
Our courses and programs are designed to prepare you for industry-recognized certifications and qualifications. Boost your resume and enhance your career prospects with our comprehensive training programs.
A Virtual Dual High School College Preparatory Institute * Colleges & Universities Academic Support and Guidance for Students;
We are committed to providing personalized instruction and support to help students succeed in their academic endeavors.
The Carolina's Early College Educators are experienced academically. Offering a range of programs, including subject tutoring, test preparation, and college admissions counseling, to ensure that students receive the guidance they need.
We work with students of all ages and skill levels, providing assistance to elementary and middle school students, as well as high school students and adult learners. Through individualized attention and support, we aim to create a positive learning environment that helps students reach their full potential.
ICA Catalog
Admission Advisors are available to assist you with any questions or concerns you might have relative to academic programs or admissions criteria. Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 6:30 pm EST. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed Sundays. Questions? Dedicated Advisors are available to help. How to Apply. To access an online application, input your Email information below. Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 Applicants
The University St. Augustine's Board of Governors has Resolved to acquire assets of the former Washington Bible College Campus.
A beautiful edifice located within 12 miles of the Nation's Capital.
Projections call for completion of the asset acquisition Fall 2019.
Strategic Revitalization Plans consistent with interest that compliments and sustains its ministries; Professional Academic Programs, Research Center, Institute of Medicine, Collegiates of Law, Divinity, Seminary and Collegiate of Agricultural Science is encouraged.
In compliance with regulations that govern preservation and restoration of these historic edifices, a comprehensive plan is proposed to enhance the campus with the installation of "Smart Tech"; Fiber Optic Cabling that is state-of- the- art.
Cutting edge technologies that support a Central Control Center designed to host the Private Broadcast Network (PBN) , which disseminates instruction to St. Augustine’s Virtual Classrooms that are located strategically throughout the Nation and Internationally.
Consistent with energy efficiency grants awarded, an innovative GeoThermal System will be installed in the 7 - commercial buildings located on the 62 acre Campus.
The Development Team includes a globally renowned architect and designer that will design and oversee implementation of plans for the future development of the Campus.
St. Augustine's authorities have sanctioned development of the Campus as "World Class".
Presenting luxurious estates in a beautiful planned private community located on acreage preserved and excellently manicured.
The Clubhouse expansion design features include a charming veranda with residences access to adjacent banquet faclities that overlook beautifully landscaped flower gardens. A cutting edge swiming pool, media-library, excercise room. A nearby golf course, tennis courts, playground, and provides trails for walking, and hiking,
As well, modest improvements will be implemented that compliment, and support the Worlds Leading Lifestyle Concierge Services, featuring classic contemporary amenities.
Development Plans advocate extraordinary conservation and enhancement of natural water features presently on the Campus, enhanced with a magnificent 50-Waterfall.
Aspiring, a "Green Initiative" on the Campus designed to strengthen environmental sustainability.
Academic Calendar 2023 - 2024
Academic Calendar 2023
Spring: January 25, 2023
Summer: June 28, 2023
Fall: September 28, 2023
Academic Calendar Year 2024
Spring: January 30, 2024
Summer: June 1, 2024
Fall: September 30, 2024
Campus News, Announcements and Public Affairs
DC Capital Asset Acquisition
* Prospectus
* National Cathedral St. Augustine's
St. Aug's News usa@staugustines.education
The University St. Augustine's Academic Team is made up of experienced educators who are passionate about helping students succeed. We are committed to providing personalized and engaging educational services that meet the unique needs of each student.
Send 21st Century Commuity Learning Centers your question. Request St. Aug News Subscription via Email
The National Ministry of Education endeavors to support essential humanitarian needs that include access to quality academic education, and the elimination of food insecurities.
Importantly, "Mental Wealth Services", and the elimination of homelessness are a high priority. The Anti-Poverty and Humanitarian Ministry serving more than 1,000 Children annually since 2009.
The Ministry sponsors the Academic Education Consortia, and Non-Traditional Education S.T.E.M. and Literacy Institutes, providing Children, Grades K12 access to University Preparatory Academic Studies.
Presenting a quality academic education curriculum featuring leading-edge entry-level college classes for elementary, middle, and secondary schools.
Instruction is disseminated accessing "Innovative Technology" in collaboration with a state-of-the-art Private Virtual Broadcast Network (P-VBN) featuring synchronous, and asynchronous instruction.
Dual Studies; High School | College Education | Associates Degree
The concept of "Dual Studies" provide Children Grades 6-12 an opportunity to become empowered with the capacity to acquire a High School Diploma while earning either an Associate Degree, and/or College Transfer Credits.
The National Ministry of Education embraces concepts of an “Innovation Technology Consortia” (ITC), featuring leading-edge 5G Technology.
Syndicated “S.T.E.M and Literacy Institutes” are established throughout the Nation, and is accessible to serve Children, Grades K12.
The Consortia is comprised of "Carolina's Early College", and Legacy Institutions of Higher Education.
The Ministry Of Education; International Diaspora has commissioned the establishment of "ITCs" in alliance with International Ministries sanctioned in compliance with regulations of Governments; Johannesburg, South. Africa, Haiti, Ghana, Belize and China.
The Caroline Education Community International Private School Academy includes;
Institutes authorized to participate access state-of-the-art “Innovation Technology”.
Externships, Internships and Apprenticeships complement the platforms that are entrenched in the pedagogies distributed to support academic studies.
A "Workforce Development" Initiative designed to provide entry level job skills upon successful completion.
"In forefront of "Innovative Tech"
USA provides academic advancements in an immersive collaborative training environment.
The Institutes Colleges & Universities @ St. Augustine's Mission is to provide high-quality educational services to students of all ages.
We believe that education is the key to success, and we strive to help our students achieve their full potential.
The Programs and Sepcializations serve as an "Urban Workforce Development Portal" that provides a pathway for the empowerment of citizens that have the capacity to benefit.
Safety Certification - OJT Programs and Specializations
A "Certificates of Achievement" is earned by students upon the successful completion of competency-based-objectives.
Students experience a broad spectrum of On-Job-Training in specialities that include "Skilled Trade Modalities" as follows.
The University St. Augustine’s College of Engineering host seven academic departments devoted to developing highly skilled and well-rounded engineers that have the capacity to focus on solving the grand challenges of health, sustainability, security and quality of life.
Advanced Manufacturing Technology makes life easier with processes and management methods to improve manufacturing of products.
Advanced manufacturing modalities including;
"The Advanced Manufacturing entity makes extensive use of computer, high precision, and information technologies integrated with a high performance workforce in a production system capable of furnishing a heterogeneous mix of products in small or large volumes with both the efficiency of mass production and the flexibility of custom manufacturing in order to respond quickly to customer demands." (Quoted in PCAST). "In foreseeable future categorical developments facilitated with integration with computers will ... be largely impacted by state of raw material and energy availability.[7]
The term "advanced manufacturing" encompasses many of the developments in the manufacturing field during the late 20th and early 21st centuries, including high tech products and processes and Clean, green, and flexible manufacturing, among others. No one definition captures everything said about advanced manufacturing, although the majority of definitions found on the web include the use of innovative technology to improve products and/or processes, and many also include the use of new business/management methodologies. Accordingly, the definition that probably comes closest to being comprehensive is that given by Paul Fowler of the National Council for Advanced Manufacturing (NACFAM), celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
University St. Augustine's & Institutes of Medicine | USA - University Colleges | MeHarry.College,LLC @ 1.9.1985
USA * UNIVERSITY COLLEGES * INSTITUTES @ 6.28.1987; 1990, 1995, 7.02.2003, 12.1.2014 - 12.31.2023
St. Augustine's University Foundation
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